Thank you to those who attended and volunteered at the event!

Team Up with PTA & Unveil Your Child’s Teacher’s Name

Kick off the new school year with an exciting event that unites our community. Join us for a fun-filled day to reconnect with old friends, meet new classmates, and discover all the exciting events the PTA has planned for this school year.


Date & Time:  

  • Aug 16 from 5 to 7 pm at Alderwood

How To Sign Up With The PTA:

  • Returning Families:Log in and update your child's information for this school year.
  • New Families: Register on the website, in case of any help volunteers fluent in multiple languages will be available to assist you at the event.


Event Highlights:

  • Special Bonus: Be the first person to know your child’s teacher’s name!
  • Yearbook Pre-Sale: Pre-purchase your yearbook and enjoy a 10% discount.
  • Exclusive Spirit Wear: Buy limited-edition Spirit Wear.
  • Delicious Food: Savor tasty treats while mingling with the community

Please Click On This Link To  Sign Up & Volunteer 

Your help is greatly needed and appreciated.






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