We are excited to announce the 2024 Alderwood Talent Show, brought to you by the Alderwood PTA and produced by Irvine Theatre Company. This year's Talent Show promises to be a fantastic showcase of our talented students, and we appreciate your commitment to making it a memorable event.



To sign up for the Talent Show, as a performer, stage crew, or Emcee, sign up here:https://bit.ly/AWTalentBy signing up to participate in the Talent Show, you are committing to all of the following guidelines, dates and times:




  • $30 performer registration fee, performer siblings $25. You will be directed to pay once you fill out required information on this sign up. *


    • Emcee fee $15, Stage Crew $15. Emcees and Stage Crew can also perform in the talent show (5th & 6th graders only). 


Music and Time Limits:

  • All Performances shall have a maximum duration of 2 minutes and 15 seconds.
  • All performers must submit their music files, cut and edited up to 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Music files should be in MP3 format and should adhere to clean and appropriate content guidelines (no explicit language). Parents are kindly requested to review and ensure the appropriateness of their child's music before submitting their auditions.

Please email the music file to irvinetheatreco@gmail.com and include your child's name and grade in the subject line by January 12, 2024. If you require music editing services, feel free to inquire.




Save The Talent Show Performance Dates:

February 1-2, 2024 

Dress Rehearsal: (This is the only rehearsal on the stage- You are expected to be ready and practicing beforehand and up to the performance):

January 19, 2024, at 2:30 PM start. 

Stage Crew and MC's:

Stage crew and MC's must be present for all dates and performances. They can also be a performer if they have an act or in a group number. 



Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Irvinetheatreco@gmail.com

We look forward to a spectacular 2024 Alderwood Talent Show, showcasing the amazing talents of our students. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm!




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